You can purchase the tickets at any of the MTR Station at Customer Service Counter.But,its better if you buy the Octopus Card because its very useful and you can use it at any shops like 7-Eleven,etc.But make sure to reload it because when you're stuck while scanning the card,its very embarassing! Next,reccomended places.So,its better to stay there for 5days (minimum) just a nice duration.First place is Avenue of stars,you can go there during the night or day but its better at night because there was a LED Show called "The Symphony of Light" starting at 8 am every night.Avenue of stars has an astonishing view.Make sure to go there ok! Second place is The Peak argh seriously I hate this place! There's a sky terrace built on a mountain! (search the images on google) to go here,you need to ride The Peak Tram.You can purchase it at the entrance.Inside The Peak,there's Madame Tussauds (wax museum) I didn't get to go inside the museum cause the entry fee is quite expensive and not worth it and there's Hard Rock Cafe too! Then,the third place is Hong Kong Disneyland,seriously what for going here without a visit to Hong Kong Disneyland?You can also ride the MTR to go here.Whatever station you are from,make sure to stop at Sunny Bay Station to interchange to Hong Kong Disneyland Station okay? HALAL foods are available there.oh ya,make sure to stay here until 8 pm onwards cause you can see a fireworks show near the Sleeping Beauty Castle.Fourth place is Ngong Ping 360 Cablecar.The cablecar terminal is at the Tung Chung Station.During the cablecar ride,you can see the Airport and you can see an aeroplanes taking off every 5 minutes.Among all the places that I went,this is the most interesting place.Make sure to go there a bit early cause the last cablecar will be on 6pm.Those are the places that I've been.There's a lot more but we're running out of time hehe.Hope you enjoy the post and may it be useful for you.Enjoy!
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